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The South African San Council is very proud to liaise with various departments, organisations, universities and initiatives. Here are some of our current collaborations and projects.


It has been identified that vulnerable and impoverished communities are often excluded from health research to protect them from harm. The Leave No One Behind in Research  Project is an initiative funded by the Wellcome Trust and hosted by UCLan. Partnered with the San Indigenous Communities, we are redefining the concept of vulnerability. We develop a research method in the medical humanities to gain valuable knowledge from vulnerable populations with reduced risks of harm. 

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Established in 2020, the Andries Steenkamp Benefit Sharing Trust was developed in honour of the late ‡Khomani San community leader and San Council Chairman, Andries Steenkamp. The Trust comprises five different San community organisations that work together to promote and protect the rights of the San people of South Africa. These include the ‡Khomani, !Xun, Khwe and /Xam indigenous people. We work directly with the communities through benefit-sharing agreements to protect and promote their heritage and indigenous knowledge.

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The FOUR COUSINS of the San is a concept created by the late South African San Institute (SASI) Director, Hennie Swart. It is a structure of the utmost care, guidance, support and collaboration between the San organisations that consists of the following: The South African San Council, the South African San Institute (Now operating as the San Academic Initiative of South Africa), Khwa ttu Culture and Heritage Centre and the Communal Property Associations; !Xun & Khwe and Khomani San. Recently the /Xam Community of South Africa have been added as part of the family.


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San Council of South Africa

©2023 by San Council of South Africa. 

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